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Blackjack or 21 (twenty-one), is by far the most popular casino table game. It is quick to learn the basics and playing blackjack is fun.
The objective of Blackjack is for a Player to come as close to 21 without going over, while still having a higher total than the Dealer. Prior to receiving any cards, the Player must place a bet. Once the bet is made, the Player is dealt two cards face up. The Dealer is also dealt two cards. If the total value of the Player's cards is closer to 21 than the Dealer, the Player wins as much as was bet. The Player also wins if the Dealer goes over 21 and the Player has not busted.
If the Player's total goes over 21, the Player loses the amount bet. Players in the Download version of the Casino have the option to play 1 or 2 hands against the Dealer.
Blackjack Rules:
- Blackjack is dealt with 6 decks of cards.
- Cards are re-shuffled after each hand.
- Dealer Hits Soft 17.
- Double on any 2 cards
- Split up to 3 hands.
- Surrender any first 2 cards.
- Split Aces receive only one card.
- No re-splitting of Aces.
Card Values:
- Suits of the cards have no meaning in the game.
- Cards 2 through 10 are the face value.
- Jacks, Queens and Kings are all valued at 10.
- Aces can count as either 1 or 11 whichever is more advantageous.
Player Actions/Bets and Button Descriptions
Bet - To place a bet, the Player must click on the chip value that they wish to bet.
Deal - Press Deal to begin the game once a bet has been placed. The Player gets two cards face up and the Dealer gets two cards.
Hit - Player desires another card to be dealt. The Player may take a hit at any time before standing.
Stand - Player desires to keep hand dealt. The game will automatically stand when the Player has 21 or after doubling down.
Split - If the Player's first two cards are of the same value (i.e. 7, 7, or Q, K) they may be split into 2 separate hands by placing a second bet of equal value. The Player may have up to 3 hands at one time. The Player then proceeds to draw cards as usual, with these exceptions:
If a Player splits two aces, only one additional card is dealt for each hand. A hand totaling 21 after splitting aces is considered 21, not Blackjack.
Double - When a Player has been dealt the first two cards and believes that the third card will give them a position to beat the Dealer's hand, they can "double down." The bet is doubled, and one additional card is dealt to the Player. The hand is automatically stood, and the Dealer then completes its hand comparing it to the Players' total.
Blackjack - Is achieved when first two cards total 21. Blackjack beats a score of 21 consisting of 3 or more cards.
Bust - Is achieved when total value of cards for either the Dealer or the Player exceeds 21. If the Player busts the bet is lost, if the Dealer busts the Player automatically wins the bet.
Push - Is achieved when the value of the Dealer's cards (from 17 to 21) and the Player's cards are equal resulting in neither winning. It also results in the return of the Player's bet.
Surrender - Once a Player hits surrender, the Player will receive 50% of his current bet and 50% will go to the house. Surrender is only allowed on the first 2 cards a player receives.
Insurance - Gives you a chance to protect yourself when you believe the Dealer might have Blackjack. If the Dealer's first card is an ace, and the Player believes the Dealer's hole card (face down) value is 10, the Player may purchase insurance against Dealer Blackjack at the price of half their initial bet. If the Dealer does have Blackjack, the insurance pays 2 to 1, which corresponds to the amount of the initial bet. If the Player has bought insurance and the Dealer does not have Blackjack, the Player loses his insurance. The Player's initial bet is then settled by comparing his cards with the Dealer's. If the Dealer and the Player both have Blackjack, the game results in a push with the Player profiting by the amount won by taking insurance - also called "even money".
More about Blackjack here

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